Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Check out Jason's story

With a BS in CD

Jason Schoonover
Object Engineer
Maxis/Electronic Arts

Jason loves his job because: “ Everywhere you look around here, Maxis/Electronic Arts are always offering fun things for their employees to do. There’s a 24/7 gym, basketball courts, tennis, and beach volleyball. They also have pool, ping pong, foosball, air hockey, and free video games all over campus. We even had Fire dancers here yesterday; it’s like working at the circus :)… The over all best thing about working on the Sims 2 is the excitement that rushes through me when I see one of my team’s commercials on primetime TV!”

In regards to some acquired abilities from CSUMB, Jason values his social skills: “To be honest my social skills are helping me the most. A lot of other employees here have gone to schools specializing in animation and different types of video game creation, but these private schools are very small. I believe that because I was always surrounded by college students and parties during my four years at CSUMB, it’s easier for me to meet everyone here.”

His advice specifically to Design students: “I realize that no design majors in TMAC will agree with me, but I think it is really important that everyone be taught C++. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my action scripting class, but my job would be a lot easier if I had learned C++ first."

His favorite class: “I definitely enjoyed the laid back atmosphere of the 3D animation class the most. We learned at our own pace and we didn’t have to worry about tests!”

Capstone: “My team’s Capstone was called “Covert Measures”. I worked with my friends Mat and Kari in order to create the first 3D video game to come out of CSUMB. It’s a first person shooter that takes place in an underground warehouse. Working on this project was so much fun and was a major factor in my career choice.”

His advice for current students: “Be as social as possible. Go out and enjoy your college experience at CSUMB. The friends you make could become the people who get you hired at your dream job.”


Jen said...

Wow what a good advice, Jason!
Yeah connection matters big time!
I'm so inspired by your story. You seem to love the company you work for.
Thanks for sharing!

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